Minden tanár
William - lektor angielskiego

William - Angol tanár

Conversational and Accent Reduction Tutor and Writer with over 10 Years of Experience

    es eng eng
  • engAngol tanár
  • es
  • esSpanyol tanár
  • Spanyol Anyanyelvű
  • Angol C2
Tanítási preferenciák
  • Egyéni órák
  • Csoportos órák
  • Gyermekek (9-14 éves korig)
  • Diákok (15-20)
  • Felnőttek (21+)
Felkészülés a vizsgákra


Hey there, William here! 

I'm an English and Spanish expert with 11 years of experience who's a nerd for languages, writing, and movies. With my decade-long experience, I've developed a deep understanding of both languages and the most effective teaching methods to help you achieve your goals.

I try to make my classroom (virtual room) a safe space, where people feel they can express themselves, be human, and make mistakes. We're all here to learn, aren't we?

Everyone's different, so I customize my lessons to meet your needs, goals, and expectations. I'll use my expertise to guide you through the daunting process that learning a new language can be.

I'm kind and patient. I'll motivate you to get through each obstacle we may find along the way. I'll help you see your strengths, and work on your specific needs.

I'm witty and funny, so my conversational classes are always a blast. I love talking about all kinds of deep stuff. But it's more than just chit-chat. I'll make you aware of how sounds are made in English or Spanish, how to position your mouth and tongue, the rhythm of the language. We'll work on accent reduction, and how to overcome the paralyzing fear of talking and making mistakes.

And as a writer and grammar expert, I'll help you in other areas some people may find boring or too difficult to grasp. I'll break down all the complex stuff in a way you can understand.

So if you find it hard to achieve the fluency you want, or if the fear of making mistakes paralyzes you, I encourage you to book a lesson with me. Each class will be tailored to your needs.

See you in class!

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Népszerű tanúsítványok: B1 Preliminary for Schools B2 First for Schools BEC Higher BEC Preliminary BEC Vantage CAE CPE Egzamin ósmoklasisty FCE IB - International Baccalaureate IELTS KET LCCI EDI Linguaskill Matura (poziom podstawowy) Matura (poziom rozszerzony) PET Pre A1 Starters (YLE) PTE TOEFL TOEIC Trinity YLE Flyers YLE Movers

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