Všetci učitelia
Arindam - lektor angielskiego

Arindam - Učiteľ angličtiny

CELTA (Pass B) l ESL Teaching for ESP, EAP and Exam Preparation I A passionate and highly experienced English teacher

    eng ga hi bn eng
  • engUčiteľ angličtiny
  • Angličtina Rodený
  • bengali B2
  • Hindčina A2
  • irish A2
Výučbové preferencie
  • Individuálne triedy
  • Skupinové triedy
  • Deti (9-14)
  • Študenti (15-20)
  • Dospelí (21+)

O sebe


How are you doing? Hope fine. :) Let me start with my introduction.

Over the past decade, I've worn many hats as a classroom teacher and trainer, working across various levels and roles. From European to American students, I've had the privilege of guiding them to success, with all my students consistently passing their exams and improving their scores by leaps and bounds. I initially cut my teeth in business English, training corporate professionals before branching out into EAP, ESP, and competitive English. I’m focusing on teaching ESL after completing CELTA with a Pass-B, and I’m a certified coach for IELTS, TOEFL, and PTE, alongside being a seasoned Business English instructor with a well-rounded, 360-degree approach to teaching learners of all ages and levels.

Along the way, I’ve earned a string of certifications from the British Council, which complements my diverse background, having dipped my toes in sales, marketing, HR, IT service management, ITES, IT project management, and banking.  I am a certified PMP IT project manager, Agile scrum-master and worked in agile IT dynamics; M.Sc. from NCI-Dublin, PGDM in management, ISO 9001:2015 Lead auditor. These experiences have added strings to my bow, enhancing my versatility as a teacher.

I've taught adults with a focus on business English, ESP, and competitive English for International House-BKC Moscow and SkyEng- Cyprus. I’ve also done a stint with BEC Exec Academy-Mexico as a business English coach and am currently teaching English with Flalingo, a Turkish ESL school. Additionally, I worked as a business English coach with the GEAD Language Community. To top it all off, I've worked as an IELTS examiner for the British Council, which adds another feather to my cap.

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Obľúbené špecializácie: Obchodná angličtina Angličtina v HR Angličtina na cestách Angličtina v kancelárii Angličtina v turistike Angličtina v IT Angliština v marketingu Angličtina a predaj Angličtina pre účtovníctvo Angličtina v práve Angličtina pre inžinierov Angličtina v medicíne Angličtina v ekológii Angličtina pre biotechnológiu a bioinžinierstvo Angličtina pre pohostinstvo Angličtina pre stavebných robotníkov Angličtina pre výtvarníkov Angličtina pre deti Angličtina na pohovory Verejný prejav Vojenská angličtina Angličtina pre nehnuteľnosti

Obľúbené certifikáty: B1 Preliminary for Schools B2 First for Schools BEC Higher BEC Preliminary BEC Vantage CAE CPE Egzamin ósmoklasisty FCE IB - International Baccalaureate IELTS KET LCCI EDI Linguaskill Matura (poziom podstawowy) Matura (poziom rozszerzony) PET Pre A1 Starters (YLE) PTE TOEFL TOEIC Trinity YLE Flyers YLE Movers

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