Všetci učitelia
Joanna - lektor angielskiego

Joanna - Učiteľ angličtiny

I am a passionate language teacher & traveler and I can't wait to show you how easy and funny learning the language can be:)

    pl eng es ru eng
  • engUčiteľ angličtiny
  • Polština Rodený
  • Angličtina C2
  • Španielčina B1
  • Ruština A2

O sebe

I've been teaching English and Polish since 2002 in companies, language schools, public schools, and to individual students. I am a certified TOEFL and ICFE examiner and I also work as a translator. I have a Master's degree in Pedagogy and Language teaching and I completed many courses which have helped me to master my language and didactic skills. Moreover, I am a Nonviolent Communication coach and mediator as well as a parenting coach, which allows me to support my students even more and create a calm and supportive atmosphere during our classes. 

I'm open-minded, patient, and supportive towards other people. I'm a very creative and caring teacher who loves making a positive difference in the lives of other people and motivating them to constant progress and development.

I’d be honoured if I could be your teacher and support you in your journey!

Začnite sa učiť s najlepšími učiteľmi
Učte sa angličtinu od svetových rečníkov. Prijmite výzvu!
Zaregistrujte sa do kurzu
Angličtina online  /  Lektori  /  Joanna
Obľúbené špecializácie: Obchodná angličtina Angličtina v HR Angličtina na cestách Angličtina v kancelárii Angličtina v turistike Angličtina v IT Angliština v marketingu Angličtina a predaj Angličtina pre účtovníctvo Angličtina v práve Angličtina pre inžinierov Angličtina v medicíne Angličtina v ekológii Angličtina pre biotechnológiu a bioinžinierstvo Angličtina pre pohostinstvo Angličtina pre stavebných robotníkov Angličtina pre výtvarníkov Angličtina pre deti Angličtina na pohovory Verejný prejav Vojenská angličtina Angličtina pre nehnuteľnosti

Obľúbené certifikáty: B1 Preliminary for Schools B2 First for Schools BEC Higher BEC Preliminary BEC Vantage CAE CPE Egzamin ósmoklasisty FCE IB - International Baccalaureate IELTS KET LCCI EDI Linguaskill Matura (poziom podstawowy) Matura (poziom rozszerzony) PET Pre A1 Starters (YLE) PTE TOEFL TOEIC Trinity YLE Flyers YLE Movers

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