Wszyscy nauczyciele
Mayon - lektor angielskiego

Mayon - Lektor angielskiego

Fun, eclectic & natty Spice Isle Teacher :)-

    eng fr es eng
  • engLektor angielskiego
  • Angielski Native
  • Francuski A2
  • Hiszpański A2
Preferencje nauczania
  • Zajęcia indywidualne
  • Zajęcia grupowe
  • Studenci (15-20)
  • Dorośli (21+)
Przygotowanie do egzaminów CAE TOEFL TOEIC IELTS CPE

O sobie

Hello there! 

I have been a teacher for over twenty years, working with both adults and children. I have high standards for my pupils, and by the conclusion of our sessions, you will feel like you can accomplish any task that is put in front of you. This is an important lesson that can be applied to life outside of the classroom. 

The best way to characterize my teaching style is diverse. Even though I tend to be well-organized and focused, I might modify my teaching strategies to include resources and activities that would help every student achieve their learning objectives. I am an imaginative and adaptable educator who is aware of human nature and the wide range of student learning preferences. I utilize this to quickly build and keep up a great connection with you amazing students! As a result, a high degree of trust grows, enabling me to offer guidance as we work to achieve our common goals and objectives. 

I have experience teaching adults as well as elementary and high school students in English. I'm going into my sixth year of teaching remotely, and I've worked with students from every continent. As an instructor, my goal is to help you achieve greater career and personal success by building on your prior knowledge and venturing into new, unexplored territory. I expect my students to perform at a level that challenges you to reach your full potential.

I look forward to meeting you and exploring the wonderful world of English together! :)

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